Friday, March 22, 2013

A Message to the GOP

The Republican Party has failed to connect and reach the Hispanic community.  Hispanics are synonymous with conservative values and are God fearing people who have immigrated here in search of a better life just as our founding fathers and their ancestors did for this country presents itself to be the Promised Land where all men are created equal.  Hispanics love hard work and are up for the challenge to grow and achieve the American dream, but that dream is interrupted when  alienated, minimized and treated as a sub-class human beings.  The Republican Party on paper describe Hispanics by their core values, but on the other hand those values do not translate into actions for those who publicly represent the Party.  It is that do as I say and not as do mentality that Hispanics do not trust the Party's intentions and the message does not materialized because we cannot get passed what we believe to be racism.  I personally don’t believe that racism describes that Party of Lincoln and Reagan, but it does describe in the eyes of many the Party of Mitt Romney who during his campaign, focused on the dream act and other immigration issues when clearly the country has bigger fish to fry.  It describes the party of Ron Paul and many other Republican leaders who lend their voices to the countless racist comments drowning simultaneously the voices that claimed all men are created equal.